ABSTRACT:Tropical enteropathy and zinc deficiency are major public health problems worldwide. Tropical enteropathy is characterized by reduced mannitol absorption with normal or increased lactulose absorption when a dual sugar absorption test is administered, the results of which are reported as the lactulose:mannitol ratio (L:M). Zinc homeostasis is quantified with a dual stable isotope test. This study tested the hypothesis that endogenous fecal zinc (EFZ) was correlated with the L:M. A dual sugar absorption test and dual stable isotope test were performed on 25 asymptomatic Malawian children aged 3-5 y at risk for tropical enteropathy and zinc deficiency. EFZ and net zinc retention were estimated and correlated with the L:M. Twenty-two children (88%) had an abnormal L:M (L:M Ͼ0.10), and the L:M was 0.24 Ϯ 0.10 (mean Ϯ SD). EFZ was 1.68 Ϯ 1.06 mg/d, a quantity greater than is seen in healthy populations from the developed world. EFZ was positively correlated with the L:M (r ϭ 0.62, p Ͻ 0.001). Net zinc retention (0.67 Ϯ 1.6 mg/d) was negatively correlated with the L:M (r ϭ Ϫ0.47, p ϭ 0.02). This suggests that perturbed zinc homeostasis is associated with subclinical enteropathy in these children. Z inc deficiency is estimated to account for 4.4% of child deaths worldwide, and one-third of the world's children are at risk for zinc deficiency (1). The morbidity associated with zinc deficiency includes stunting, reduced capacity for physical work, and increased susceptibility to infection. Zinc retention in humans is not simply determined by the amount of dietary zinc consumed but also by reabsorption of endogenous zinc secreted into the small intestine. The reabsorption of endogenous zinc from the gut is believed to be a mechanism by which zinc homeostasis is maintained (2). The dual zinc stable isotope test involves administration of different zinc stable isotopes orally and i.v. and has been used to quantify the primary parameters that determine zinc homeostasis (3). Measurements of total dietary absorbed zinc (TAZ), endogenous fecal zinc (EFZ), and net zinc retention (NZR) have been made using this technique (3-6).Tropical enteropathy is a diffuse villous atrophy of the small bowel associated with inflammatory T cell infiltration (7,8). Tropical enteropathy is a chronic, subclinical condition of unknown etiology, distinguished from acute enteropathies associated with gastrointestinal infections. Changes in stool pattern or consistency are not apparent in children with tropical enteropathy. Tropical enteropathy is associated with stunting of otherwise healthy preschool aged children in developing countries (9). The damage to the normal intestinal architecture is associated with compromised capacity to absorb macronutrients (10). Tropical enteropathy is ubiquitous throughout the developing world, prevalence estimates in communities often exceed 75% (11).The dual sugar absorption test uses the nonmetabolized sugars mannitol and lactulose, which are administered orally and measured in the urine. The urinary lactu...