“…These de pos its, there fore, con sti tute suit able ma te rial for chro no log i cal stud ies. The OSL method has been fre quently used in the last de cade to ob tain the age of glacioaquatic, flu vial, lac us trine and ae olian de pos its in the Bal tic re gion (Kalm, 2006;Molodkov et al, 2010;Rattas et al, 2010;Raukas et al, 2010;Zelès et al, 2011;Saks et al, 2012;Satkñnas and GrigienÅ, 2012;Baltrñnas et al, 2013;Kaliñska-Nartiëa et al, 2015a, b, 2016. De spite this, ques tionable OSL ages have been fre quently ob tained from glaciolacustrine and glaciofluvial de pos its (e.g., Raukas et al, 2010).…”