1 Pol ish Geo log i cal In sti tute -Na tional Re search In sti tute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Po land Brañski, P., 2014. Cli ma tic di sas ter at the Tri as sic-Ju ras sic bound ary -a clay min er als and ma jor el e ments re cord from the Pol ish Ba sin. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 58 (2): 291-310, doi: 10.7306/gq.1161The Tri as sic-Ju ras sic bound ary in ter val (ca. 201 Ma) was a time of sud den global en vi ron men tal changes trig gered by Pangea breakup and Cen tral At lan tic Mag matic Prov ince de vel op ment. The bulk-rock min er al ogy, clay min er al ogy and major el e ment geo chem is try of 87 con ti nen tal mudrock sam ples col lected from four bore hole cores yield in for ma tion on Rhaetian-ear li est Hettangian palaeoclimatic changes in the Pol ish Ba sin. Dur ing the Rhaetian, smectite pre pon der ance was re placed by kaolinite and illite dom i na tion. This fun da men tal shift in clay min eral as sem blages (sup ported by ma jor el ement data) in di cates very sig nif i cant change in cli mate hu mid ity. More over, some beds in the Zagaje For ma tion (Up per Rhaetian-Lower Hettangian) are par tic u larly rich in kaolinite in di cat ing ex treme chem i cal weath er ing in hu mid-sub trop i cal to trop i cal cli mate ep i sodes in the af ter math of pow er ful warm ing and abun dant rain fall. Im por tantly, the first dis tinct kaolinite en rich ment ap pears al ready in the Lower Rhaetian Wielichowo Beds. In ad di tion, abrupt and ep i sodic shifts in the kaolinite-illite ra tio and in val ues of weath er ing in di ces point to pro found cli mate de sta bi li sa tion and a se quence of fre quent, cat a strophic cli ma tic re ver sals in the Late Rhaetian and at the Tri as sic-Ju ras sic bound ary. These re sults are gen er ally consis tent with car bon iso tope re cords in sec tions world wide.Key words: Tri as sic-Ju ras sic bound ary, clay min er als, ma jor el e ments, weath er ing re gime, palaeoclimatic shifts, Pol ish Ba sin.