In this work, the oligomer of 4-vinylpyridine designated as O(4-VP) was synthesized by hydrogen peroxide initiated chain growth polymerization and characterized in terms of molecular weight and structure by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF MS). The oligomer was tested as corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in brine solution saturated with carbon dioxide, with the main purpose to investigate the effect of inhibitor concentrations and temperatures on the inhibition activity defined in terms of corrosion rate and percent of protection. The inhibition tests were carried out using the methods of weight loss (WL) and linear polarization (LP). Characterization using MALDI-TOF MS revealed that the oligomer has the mass (m/z) in the range 200-2400, which corresponds to chain length of 2-22 repeating units. The results of corrosion rate measurements show that the corrosion rate with the use of oligomer is significantly lower than that without inhibitor, demonstrating that the oligomer functioned as effective corrosion inhibitor, while the 4-vinyl pyridine monomer was found to promote the corrosion. It was also found that the protection by the oligomer increased with increasing temperature and it was predicted the oligomer was chemically adsorbed by the surface of the metal.
Keywords: oligomer 4-vinylpyridine; corrosion inhibitor; CO 2 corrosion; MALDI-TOF MS
Dalam penelitian ini, oligomer 4-vinilpiridin, O(4-VP), disintesis menggunakan inisiator hidrogen peroksida untuk pertumbuhan rantai polimer dan dikarakterisasi berat molekul dan struktur molekulnya menggunakan matrix assisted laser desorpsion ionization time of flight mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF MS). Oligomer kemudian diuji sebagai inhibitor korosi baja ringan dalam larutan air garam yang jenuh dengan gas karbon dioksida, dengan tujuan utama untuk menyelidiki efek dari konsentrasi inhibitor dan suhu pada aktivitas inhibisi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk laju korosi dan persen proteksi. Tes inhibisi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kehilangan berat (WL), dan polarisasi linier (LP). Karakterisasi menggunakan MALDI-TOF MS