Chyluria, commonly seen in south Asian countries, is mainly a manifestation of lymphatic filariasis as a result of infestation with Wuchereria bancrofti, although many other causes can contribute. Many patients can be effectively treated with dietary modifications and drug therapy. The most widely used drug is diethyl carbamazine. The recurrences are common after such treatment. Such patients would benefit from sclerotherapy to obliterate the lympatico-renal fistulae located mainly in the renal pelvicalyceal system. The commonly used sclerosing agent is a combination of 5% povidone-iodine and 50% dextrose instilled through a ureteric catheter. A small percentage of patients who recur after sclerotherapy and those with systemic complications, such as hypoproteinemia and edema, might require surgery in the form of renal hilar lymphatic disconnection. Although it is a major operation, the success rates are >90%. Laparoscopic and robotic techniques have minimized the morbidity related to such surgery. With the advent of the global program for eradication of filariasis initiated by the World Health Organization, the incidence of the disease is decreasing. Mass chemotherapy with diethyl carbamazine is the mainstay of this global program. Many years after eliminating filariasis, chyluria continue to occur in such populations, though in dwindling numbers. Future research should aim at finding more efficacious sclerosing agents with minimal recurrences.