The target for this community service program is a resident of Jl. Parikesit RT 05 RW 03 Dusun Picis, Balongdowo Village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency. He had a work accident in one of the industries in the city of Sidoarjo in 2010 on the left wrist up to the fingers, so the doctor suggested amputation. He is actually still in his productive age (36 years old) but because of this situation, he is unable to carry out activities in the world of work and has decreased confidence in himself and avoids socializing in society. The purpose of this community partnership program (PKM) activity is to apply 3d printing technology in the manufacture of prosthetic hands for people who have transradial amputations as an effort to improve the quality of life. The implementation methods used are: a) the measurement of several physical parameters on the amputee such as the diameter of the arm circumference, the length of the amputated part, weight and height. In addition to physical parameters, we also carry out medical measurements, including obtaining information on health conditions such as blood pressure, heart health and blood glucose levels, b) designing prosthetic hands using 3D application programs and 3D printers, c) mechanical and functional testing for perform basic movements in the form of opening and closing the palms, d) monitoring and evaluation of the use of prosthetic hands. The results obtained from this activity are that the patient can use the prosthetic hand to assist with activities in carrying out daily activities. In this PKM activity, amputees have been tested, namely the movement of holding a mineral water bottle, holding a banana, peeling a banana peel and driving a two-wheeled motorized vehicle. Monitoring shows that patients need regular exercise in using prosthetic hands so that they are able to control and condition their use. In the future, several developments can be made, including in terms of control and size of the prosthetic hand so that patients can feel the benefits of a prosthetic hand that functions like a normal hand.