Unitermos: 1. Astronomia -Estudo e ensino; 2. Livro Didático; 3. Ensino Fundamental; 4. Ciências USP/IF/SBI-018/2018 À memória de Erci, minha amada mãe, dedico este trabalho. Uma mulher forte que, diante das dificuldades, sempre buscou dar a melhor educação as suas filhas. Foi ela quem nos ensinou a lutar por nossos ideais. Sei que hoje estaria a vibrar com mais uma conquista. Palavras-Chave: Astronomia, Livro Didático, Observação do Céu, PNLD, Ciências, Ensino Fundamental II. Abstract Costa, Gleice Kelen Dornelles. The observation of the sky in the textbook of sciences approved in the PNLD/2017.128 f. (Master in Science Education -Physics Education) Physics Institute, University of São Paulo, 2018.Observation of the cosmos dates back to antiquity, and its perpetual presence in basic education is defended by researchers. The observational character can be used as a didactic strategy for the student to enhance the perception of their astronomical environment, being able to recognize phenomena that are part of their daily life, either with or without the use of instruments. However, direct sky observation activities require time (times and schedules of events) and locations (outdoors, outside the classroom) that contrast from the traditional school system, in addition to required atmosphere conditions. This research intends to analyze and understand the nature of the activities when observing the sky while in Elementary School, in the discipline of Sciences for the final years, through textbook study. This material constitutes an element of significant importance within the school context, influencing the work of the teacher and student activity, both at school and at home. Nine collections of science textbooks, distributed nationally through the National Textbook Program / 2017, were analyzed. The analysis was subsidized by the construction of a set of elements considered fundamental for the implementation of an activity of observation of the sky in the school, present in the works of researchers in the area of education in Astronomy. These elements make up the structure of the set of observational activities that range in time from moments before, during and after the sky observation activity. In this way, eight categories were constructed and subsidized the analysis: Material, Pre-observation, Strategies to observe and follow stars or phenomena, Nature of observation, Post-observation, Space, Subsidies and Complements. In the analysis, it was noticed that topics of Astronomy are concentrated in the books of sixth year, and that they occupy a considerable bulk of it, while noting that contents of other areas of education include Biology, Physics, Geosciences, Chemistry. Astronomy topics disappear in the seventh and eighth years and return in the ninth year, usually within Gravitation. The presence of observation are also implemented almost exclusively in the sixth year, which are focused on short periods of time, thereby making it difficult to perceive cyclical phenomena promoting contemplative observations. In a...