Durtng the five-year period September 1074 through August '1979"two to the many physicians outside transhundred nine consecutive patients rec,lved their first kidney transplant In plant ~nterswho are now caring for Denver. During 2.5 to 7.5' years of foDow-up. 54 paUents (28%) died. kidney transplant patients. Infection was the leading cause of death during .. Interval. and was METHODS re.ponslble for 22 (41%) of the 54 deaths. Pneumonia was prtmarUy We, have reviewed the results of 209 re.ponslble for 14 of the 22 deaths from Infection. The other cau.e. of death CODSeCUtive patients who received their were cardiovascular problems In11 patient. (20%), suicide In eight paUents first kidney transplant at the University (15%). gastrOintestinal (GI) tract problems In .. ven paUents (13%), mangnsnt of Colorado Health Sciences Center and neopla.ms In two patient. (4%), and miscellaneous probIems-ln-four-paUentsthe Dcm¥R VeterlUlLAdminiatntioQ Hoe----' ,-'(7%). Twenty-alx ,(48%) of the 54 deaths occurred more than one year after pital during the fi.,.-year period Septemprtmary'transplantatlon; 12 of these 28 patlenla had already returned to ber 19"l4 throush August 1979. By meaDS of inpatient chart review, outpatient chart chronic hemodialysis. To minimize mortality atter transplantation, patients review, and telephone calldo patients and and their physician. must remain alert to the ongoing rt.ks to which the.. ,families, follow-up information for all paUent. are exposed, Including the rI.ks of sudden death from Infection.patients has been updated to Feb 1. U82. myocardial Infarction, pulmonary embolu., SUicide, or GI tract perforation. ~ range .or,foU cnr -Il P for the.155 lllniv-(JAifA 1983;250:4~54) • .. " ' / . 0 . patients ia 2.5 to 1.5, JUI'I (mean, 58 . ,. . months). Patients• _ho received a lint _ . ~ -' '~Diney transplaDt before •September 19'14