The La Mancha coastal lagoon is a mixohaline -eutrophic system according to its annual average of salinity and chlorophyll concentration, with a strong influence of the opening-closing dynamics of the bar, which affects its hydrological, biological and ecological cycles.We identified 57 zooplankton taxa, 45 at the species level and 19 of them are new records for the lagoon. Copepods Acartia tonsa, Pseudodiaptomus pelagicus and zoea larvae are the densest organisms. Biomass and density registered their maximum value in March, while a matrix, both recorded the maximum during the night. According to the ACC, the condition of the mouth and precipitation are the most important variables that act on the variation of the zooplankton density. The species accumulation curve and the species richness estimators reflect the sampling effort at the seasonal and diel levels, which allowed us to obtain a reliable systematic list that adequately represents the species richness of the system. In terms of community parameters, a maximum of 31 taxa were recorded during the open mouth period, reflecting the intrusion of marine species to the lagoon. Dominance and equity were controlled by the presence of Pleurobrachia pileus, which dominated the density of the zooplankton during January, coinciding with the highest values of this parameter and the minimum of uniformity. Wealth, diversity, uniformity and dominance reflect a diel behavior with higher values at night compared to those recorded during the day, which demonstrates the nocturnal habits of most species and their corresponding diel variation, as well as the effect of the tide on the transport of species from the sea to the lagoon.
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