Let $(M, \partial M)$ be a compact 3-manifold with boundary, which admits a
convex co-compact hyperbolic metric. We consider the hyperbolic metrics on $M$
such that the boundary is smooth and strictly convex. We show that the induced
metrics on the boundary are exactly the metrics with curvature $K>-1$, and that
the third fundamental forms of $\dr M$ are exactly the metrics with curvature
$K<1$, for which contractible closed geodesics have length $L>2\pi$. Each is
obtained exactly once.
Other related results describe existence and uniqueness properties for other
boundary conditions, when the metric which is achieved on $\dr M$ is a linear
combination of the first, second and third fundamental forms.Comment: Check the updated version(s) on http://picard.ups-tlse.fr/~schlenker/
Version 2: an error corrected. Version 3: simpler main statement, small
corrections, more details on one technical statement. Version 5: one error