A scheme for distributed quantum measurement that allows nondestructive or indirect Bell measurement was proposed by Gupta et al., (Int. J. Quant. Infor. 5 (2007) 627) and subsequently realized experimentally using an NMR-based three-qubit quantum computer by Samal et al., (J. Phys. B, 43 (2010) 095508). In the present work, a similar experiment is performed using the five-qubit super-conductivity-based quantum computer, which has been recently placed in cloud by IBM Corporation. The experiment confirmed that the Bell state can be constructed and measured in a nondestructive manner with a reasonably high fidelity. A comparison of the outcomes of this study and the results obtained earlier in the NMR-based experiment has also been performed. The study indicates that to make a scalable SQUID-based computer, errors by the gates (in the present technology) have to be reduced considerably.