The recent publication of StefunoviC et al. [I] describing the structure of arteannuin B prompted us to disclose our results, which also produced a structure of this compound. A generous sample of arteannuin B, isolated from Artemisia annua L. [l], was received from Prof. StefanoviC for a collaborative effort in structural investigation. After recrystallization from ether, the sample (m. p. 152-152.5') exhibited a rotation of [a]g = -72.2" (c = 1.025, CH,OH)l). The high resolution mass spectrum (mle 248.1418, M+) and elemental analysis (C 72.35, H 8.09%) indicated that the molecular formula was C,,H,,O,. Spectral evidence including an X-ray analysis and consideration of the biogenetic scheme proposed by Andersen [Z] led to the structure and absolute configuration 1 [4 a, 5 a-epoxyd whydroxy-10 a-cadin-1 1 (13) -en-lZ-oic acid lactone] for this natural product.The IR. spectrum in chloroform exhibited absorptions for a y-lactone at 1775, an epoxide at 950-1200, and a double bond at 1665 cm-'. The last functionality was also indicated to be part of a conjugated lactone grouping by an UV. These data compare favorably with the trans-fused a-methylene-y-butyrolactone moiety characteristic of many naturally occurring sesquiterpenes [3].The trans-configuration of the lactone was also evident from NMR. spectrum [CDCl,, 220 MHz, (CH,),Si, &values]: 2.72 for allylic C(7)-proton, a doublet of quartets, with J,,*/ = 12 Hz (axial-axial), J,,8a = 3 Hz (axial-equatorial), J,,la = 3 Hz CH I 3 I f 1 (perpendicular allylic, confirmed by decoupling) ; 5.44 and 6.14 for C(l3)-methylene protons, two doublets each with J,,13 = 3 Hz. Since no NMR. signal for a proton on a carbon bearing the ether oxygen of the lactone was observed, the carbon atom C(6) had to be tertiary.
2,Reported [l] : [a]g = -6" (no solvent indicated).