Granum-containing chloroplasts from mesophyil cells of maize (Zea mays L. var. MV 861) leaves exhibited circular dichroism spectra with a large double signal; peaks at 696 nm (+) and 680 nm (-). In the circular dichroism spectra obtained with agranal chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells, this large double signal is absent. Separation of grana lamellae, in a medium of low salt concentration and in KSCN solution, resulted only in a slight decrease of the amplitude, while upon treatment with digitonin the large double signal disappeared. A negative signal of the chlorophyll b peak at 654 nm was observed in the case of both granal and agranal chloroplasts, and it was not affected either by low salt or by digitonin treatment. A positive peak at about 515 nm was higher in granal than in agranal chloroplasts.Typical chloroplast lamellae consist of different regions possessing or lacking the capacity to form grana (10). The capacity of membranes to stack is important for both coupling of photosystems (1) and the prevention of chlorophyll against photooxidation (17). Granum-forming regions of chloroplast lamellae have been characterized by the presence of particles on the cleavage faces of freeze-etched replicas (7,14), but the molecular architecture responsible for granum formation has not been elucidated. Circular dichroism spectroscopy of chloroplast pigments has proved to be a useful approach in studying the molecular architecture of chlorophyll dimers in solution (15) had developed two leaves of 7 to 8 cm. Leaves were harvested in the morning in order to obtain chloroplasts depleted of starch. Granum containing chloroplasts were prepared from the mesophyll, whereas agranal chloroplasts were obtained from the bundle sheath. The isolation procedure was similar to that described by Woo et al. (22). Leaf blades were cut into strips (1 mm X 10 mm). Samples of 1 g were blended in a Virtis-45 Blendor twice for 10 sec at 20,000 rpm in 10 ml of an isotonic medium containing 0.05 M tris-HCI, pH 7.3, 0.3 M D-sorbitol, and 10 mg/l bovine serum albumin (Sigma Chemical Co.). The slurry was filtered through a sieve of about 30 ,um pore size. The filtrate contained broken mesophyll cells; the remainder consisted of the vascular bundles surrounded by the bundle sheath and a number of mesophyll cells. The latter was blended for 10 sec at 20,000 rpm in 10 ml of the isolation medium and filtered. This filtrate, containing a mixture of broken mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, was discarded. The remainder was ground in a mortar in 10 ml of the isolation medium and filtered through the microsieve. Filtrates prepared from mesophyll and bundle sheath cells were pooled at 3000g for 2 min and 20 min, respectively. The pellet from the first blending consisted of mesophyll chloroplasts, and the pellet from the grinding contained bundle sheath chloroplasts. Crosscontamination of the preparations was 3 to 5%, as tested by the electron microscope.Salt Treatments. The pellets were suspended in isolation medium or subjected to low salt or d...