Optomechanical cavities have proven to be an exceptional tool to explore fundamental and technological aspects of the interaction between mechanical and optical waves. Such interactions strongly benefit from cavities with large optomechanical coupling, high mechanical and optical quality factors, and mechanical frequencies larger than the optical mode linewidth, the so called resolved sideband limit. Here we demonstrate a novel optomechanical cavity based on a disk with a radial mechanical bandgap. This design confines light and mechanical waves through distinct physical mechanisms which allows for independent control of the mechanical and optical properties. Our device design is not limited by unique material properties and could be easily adapted to allow large optomechanical coupling and high mechanical quality factors with other promising materials. Finally, our demonstration is based on devices fabricated on a commercial silicon photonics facility, demonstrating that our approach can be easily scalable.Optomechanical microcavities simultaneously confine optical and mechanical modes. The interaction between these confined modes has proven to be a very rich field of study for basic science such as macroscopic quantum phenomena [1,2], quantum simulation of condensed matter phenomena [3,4], topological phase pattern-formation of coupled oscillators [5] and non-classical states of light [6,7]. Technological questions have been addressed by optomechanical devices as well, with applications including weak-force sensing [8][9][10], ultra-sensitive accelerometers [11], radio-frequency sources [12], multimode [13] and synchronous [14] oscilators, reconfigurable optical filters [15] and hybrid systems [16].Regardless of the context, the optomechanical interaction often benefits from a large optomechanical coupling rate, low optical and mechanical dissipation rates (highQs) and the so-called resolved sideband limit, which occurs when the mechanical mode frequency is larger than the optical mode linewidth. The optomechanical coupling rate is denoted by g 0 and measures the optical cavity frequency shift induced by a mechanical mode with an amplitude equivalent to the quantum harmonic oscillator at ground-state.The challenge in simultaneously achieving an optimum combination of these properties is that the optical and mechanical optimization are often constrained to each other. One promising platform is based on the optomechanical crystal cavity, where both waves are confined by bandgaps in two-dimensional periodic structures. So far, however, only a single microcavity design has been demonstrated that can simultaneously confine optical and mechanical modes [17]. These devices were fabricated using the traditional approach of a direct write * gustavo@ifi.unicamp.br † alegre@ifi.unicamp.br; http://nanophoton.ifi.unicamp.br electron beam lithography. However, for massive fundamental studies and applications is desirable to migrate the fabrication process of these devices to commercial CMOS-compatible facilities, where the ...