It is desirable to maintain a computational A typical LORAN-C operation is shown in accuracy of less than one second of arc to avoid Fig. 1. The locations of the master and two slave degradation of the inherently attainable stations are fixed and known. LORAN system accuracy. It is therefore necesThe master st'ation sends out a pulsed signal sary to take into account the effect of a non-which is received by the ship and each of the spherical earth (elliphicity correction) and slave stations. After a known fixed "coding devariable velocity of propagation (secondary lay," each slave also sends out a pulsed signal phase correction.)Incorporation of these corrections into the which is received by the ship. required. This provides for a self-that: sufficient LORAN syst'em. 1. The receiver and transmitters are located 2. Perfect computational repeatability is on the earthJs surface.achieved. 3. With the explicit solution, it is always pos-2. The earth is considered to be the Clarke sible to select the proper solution of the Spheroide of 1866. two possible solutions. 3. The transmission path between two points 4. The simple explicit equations lead to re-on the earth's surface is considered to be the duced computational time and memory geodesic between those two points.