Abstract. This report describes how optical images acquired using linearly polarized light can specify the anisotropy of scattering (g) and the ratio of reduced scattering ½μ 0 s ¼ μ s ð1 − gÞ to absorption (μ a ), i.e., N 0 ¼ μ 0 s ∕μ a . A camera acquired copolarized (HH) and crosspolarized (HV) reflectance images of a tissue (skin), which yielded images based on the intensity (I ¼ HH þ HV) and difference (Q ¼ HH − HV) of reflectance images. Monte Carlo simulations generated an analysis grid (or lookup table), which mapped Q and I into a grid of g versus N 0 , i.e., gðQ; IÞ and N 0 ðQ; IÞ. The anisotropy g is interesting because it is sensitive to the submicrometer structure of biological tissues. Hence, polarized light imaging can monitor shifts in the submicrometer (50 to 1000 nm) structure of tissues. The Q values for forearm skin on two subjects (one Caucasian, one pigmented) were in the range of 0.046 AE 0.007 (24), which is the mean AE SD for 24 measurements on 8 skin sites × 3 visible wavelengths, 470, 524, and 625 nm, which indicated g values of 0.67 AE 0.07 (24).