can lead to liver dysfunction and damage. How unexpected In cirrhosis, cardiac contractile function has been exand gratifying, therefore, to find a voice as eloquent as the tensively documented to be abnormal. At baseline, carlate Chilean Nobel laureate's to not only extoll the many diac output is increased, and this is one of the charactervirtues of the liver, but also remind us that sometimes the istics of hyperdynamic circulation. However, when liver takes precedence over the heart, i.e., that liver failure cirrhotic patients are challenged by pharmacological or can also lead to cardiac dysfunction. physiological stress, ventricular hyporesponsiveness is It has been known for more than four decades that hepatic revealed. Similar patterns have been noted in cirrhotic cirrhosis is associated with a host of cardiovascular abnoranimal models. This phenomenon has been termed ''cirmalities. The initial studies in the early 1950s documented rhotic cardiomyopathy.'' Although alcohol abuse may the existence of hyperdynamic circulation in cirrhosis, manicontribute to some cases of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, it has been clearly documented to occur even in the ab-fested by increased cardiac output and reduced systemic vassence of alcohol ingestion. Diminished myocardial b-ad-cular resistance. This latter phenomenon, the peripheral varenergic receptor signal transduction function, possibly sodilatation, continues to fascinate investigators even up to caused by a persistent elevation in norepinephrine con-the present, and recent studies have examined the possible tent, has been shown to play an important role. Alter-role of nitric oxide and other endothelium-dependent factors ation in cardiac plasma membrane properties due to im-in mediating the vasodilatation. The heart itself was not expaired lipid metabolism is also crucial. Other possible amined until about three decades ago, and around that time pathogenic factors are reviewed, including accumula-studies of cardiac contractile function in patients with alcotion of cardiodepressant substances caused by hepato-holic-induced liver disease started consistently showing that cellular insufficiency, and ventricular overload sec-despite the increased baseline cardiac output, when ventricuondary to increased blood volume and hyperdynamic lar contractile responses were tested under conditions of circulation. Because the cardiac reserve function is bor-pharmacological or physiological stress, the heart behaved derline in patients with cirrhosis, cardiovascular status abnormally in a blunted manner. For many years, this was should be carefully monitored, especially when patients ascribed to the well-known direct toxic effects of alcohol on undergo stresses such as liver transplantation or porto-cardiac muscle, i.e., as a manifestation of latent or subclinical systemic shunting procedures. (HEPATOLOGY 1996;24: alcoholic cardiomyopathy, and relegated to the scientific 451-459.)backwaters as a clinically insignificant curiosity. However, recently several studies have emerged in both ...