Submit Manuscript | certain factors have been found that clearly contribute to explain this phenomenon such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and micro-RNAs which appear to confer levels of gene regulation without altering sequences in DNA[for reviews, see 3,4]. So far, DNA methylation is the only known factor to cause epigenesis. 3 Histones are major regulators of chromatin. 3 Micro-RNAs target mRNA which is involved in regulation of protein synthesis. 3 Ever since we discovered, in the late 1960's, that reduction in the level of extracellular magnesium ions ([Mg 2+ ]) could cause powerful contractions and spasms of coronary, cerebral and peripheral blood vessels , including intrauterine vessels, excised from diverse animals and human beings, along with increased vascular reactivity to neurohumoral constrictor agents, 5-21 we have thought that dietary deficiency of Mg could lead to development of CVDs later in life and that Mg deficiency could be termed "genotoxic". 22 In order to gain insight into our hypothesis of the critical importance of adequate dietary intake of Mg in development of CVDs, we have recently measured the levels of DNA methylation, histone modifications and micro-RNAs along with the levels of telomerase in ventricular, atrial and vascular smooth muscle cells (i.e., coronary, cerebral, mesenteric, aortic, etc.) excised from rats placed on different Mg-deficient diets for up to 21 days[for review, see 23].In addition, using newly designed specific, sensitive electrodes to quantify serum, whole blood, plasma and cerebral spinal fluid ionized Mg levels, 24-31 we measured [Mg 2+ ] in bloods and CSF of women throughout pregnancy and at delivery in healthy and preeclamptic women, as well as in women with diseases specific to women (e.g., gestational diabetes; menopause,; PCOS; ovarian hyperstimulation) [32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47] and newborn healthy and diseased infants.