The beha®ior of stationary and mo®ing spatially-periodic patterns in a simple crossflow reactor was simulated and analyzed for a situation in which reactant is supplied continuously along the reactor and a first-order exothermic reactor occurs. The Danck-( werts boundary conditions for realistic Le and Pe ®alues. While the unbounded in-) finitely long reactor is an asymptotic case used to study the stability of the homogeneous solution, the mo®ing wa®es that emerge in the con®ecti®ely unstable unbounded system may be arrested at the boundaries of a bounded system and stationary wa®es are established abo®e some amplification threshold. Sustained periodic and aperiodic be-ha®ior may emerge under certain conditions. The spatial beha®ior in the bounded system with Pe™ϱ is analogous to the temporal beha®ior of the simple thermokinetic CSTR problem and the beha®ior of the distributed system is classified according to that of the lumped one.