Baseline data from the Gubbio Population Study in north central Italy were used to investigate the relation of hematocrit to blood pressure and hypertension among 2,809 men and women aged 25-74 years. Independent of gender, age, and other confounders, the hypertensive group had a higher hematocrit than the nonhypertensive group (p<0.001). In comparison with the untreated hypertensive group, the hypertensive group being treated with diuretics or with other drugs only had similar mean hematocrit levels despite significantly lower blood pressures. Hematocrit was positively correlated with systolic pressure (r=0.085,p<0.01 andr=0.264,p<0.001 for men and women, respectively) and diastolic pressure (r=0.214, p<0.001 and r=0.266, p<0.001). In both sexes, whether or not the treated hypertensive group was included, age-adjusted prevalence of hypertension and average blood pressure were higher for persons in higher qulntiles of hematocrit (/><0.001). The association of hematocrit with blood pressure and hypertension was significant and independent of several confounders. The regression coefficient of blood pressure on hematocrit ranged between 0.410 and 0.620 mm Hg per unit of hematocrit for systolic pressure and between 0371 and 0.581 for diastolic pressure, depending on gender and whether the treated hypertensive group was included in multiple regression analysis. Based on exponentiation of the multiple logistic coefficient, prevalence of hypertension was at least two times greater for persons whose hematocrit levels were higher by 10 units. (Hypertension 1992^20-319-326) KEY WORDS • hematocrit • blood pressure • hypertension, essential • Gubbio population study H ematocrit is the most important determinant of whole blood viscosity. 1 Blood viscosity and vascular resistance affect total peripheral resistance to blood flow, 2 which is abnormally high in the established phase of primary hypertension.3 It has been reported that hematocrit is increased or normal in human hypertension*-9 and increased in rat genetic hypertension. 8 -10 In genetically hypertensive rats, it has also been shown that reduction of hematocrit with maintenance of blood volume reduces blood pressure.11 -13 Correspondingly, clinical studies have reported that increase of hematocrit is followed by increase in blood pressure and possibly onset of hypertension in anemic patients.14 -
20From the Division of Nephrology, First Medical School (M.C), University of Naples "Federico II," Naples; the Center for Epi Many clinical and experimental studies have been done on the relation between hematocrit and blood pressure, but the epidemiological literature does not identify hematocrit as an important independent correlate of blood pressure in general populations. The present study of men and women from the Gubbio Population Study in north central Italy 21 shows that a significant positive association exists between hematocrit and blood pressure or hypertension, independent of other factors related to these end points.
MethodsIn the Gubbio Study, the target pop...