The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether, in humans, hypoxia results in an elevated lactate production from exercising skeletal muscle. Under conditions of both hypoxia [inspired oxygen fraction (F1O2): 11.10%] and normoxia (F1O2: 20.94%), incremental exercise of a forearm was performed. The exercise intensity was increased every minute by 1.6 kg.m.min-1 until exhaustion. During the incremental exercise the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) and carbon dioxide (PCO2), oxygen saturation (SO2), pH and lactate concentration [HLa] of five subjects, were measured repeatedly in blood from the brachial artery and deep veins from muscles in the forearm of both the active and inactive sides. The hypoxia (arterial SO2 approximately 70%) resulted in (1) the difference in [HLa] in venous blood from active muscle (values during exercise-resting value) often being more than twice that for normoxia, (2) a significantly greater difference in venous-arterial (v-a) [HLa] for the exercising muscle compared to normoxia, and (3) a difference in v-a [HLa] for non-exercising muscle that was slightly negative during normoxia and more so with hypoxia. These studies suggest that lower O2 availability to the exercising muscle results in increased lactate production.