Solving (nonlinear) eigenvalue problems by contour integration, requires an e↵ective discretization for the corresponding contour integrals. In this paper it is shown that good rational filter functions can be computed using (nonlinear least squares) optimization techniques as opposed to designing those functions based on a thorough understanding of complex analysis. The conditions that such an effective filter function should satisfy, are derived and translated in a nonlinear least squares optimization problem solved by optimization algorithms from Tensorlab. Numerical experiments illustrate the validity of this approach.Keywords : linear, polynomial, nonlinear eigenvalue problems; contour integration; filter function; rational approximation; nonlinear least squares; resolvent. MSC : Primary : 65-F15, Secondary : 47-J10, 30-E05.
Designing rational filter functions for solving eigenvalue problems by contour integrationMarc Van Barel ⇤ January 20, 2015Abstract Solving (nonlinear) eigenvalue problems by contour integration, requires an e↵ective discretization for the corresponding contour integrals. In this paper it is shown that good rational filter functions can be computed using (nonlinear least squares) optimization techniques as opposed to designing those functions based on a thorough understanding of complex analysis. The conditions that such an e↵ective filter function should satisfy, are derived and translated in a nonlinear least squares optimization problem solved by optimization algorithms from Tensorlab. Numerical experiments illustrate the validity of this approach.