1470 design, region where study was performed), participant demographics (age, percent male, hemochromatosis diagnosis), iron reduction therapy regimens, and clinical outcomes on mortality, cirrhosis, liver fibrosis, portal hypertension, HCC, liver transplant, arthritis, joint replacement, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, erectile dysfunction, hypogonadism, quality of life, fatigue, biochemical iron indices, and liver function tests (Table 2). QUalIty aSSeSSMeNt oF INClUDeD StUDIeS Two authors independently assessed the risk of bias in the included studies (A.P. and T.C.). The ROBINS-I tool (4) or the Cochrane risk of bias tool (5) were used to evaluate the nonrandomized and randomized studies, respectively. Disagreements were resolved by discussion, and a consensus decision was made.