[1] The electron density distribution in the vicinity of the lunar surface was explored with the radio occultation technique using a subsatellite on the SELENE mission. Although the measurements suffer from contamination by the terrestrial ionosphere and interplanetary plasma, an analysis of more than 300 measurements provides adequate statistics and reveals a general trend. The result suggests that a dense ionosphere covering the whole sunlit side, as suggested by the radio occultation measurements on the Soviet Luna 19 and 22 missions, does not exist. However, weak signatures of electron density enhancement with densities on the order of 100 cm À3 are observed below 30 km altitude at solar zenith angles less than 60 . The statistically averaged density reaches a peak at around 15 km altitude and decreases gradually at higher altitudes and toward the surface. Although the suggested electron layer is thinner and less extended horizontally than that reported by Luna 19 and 22, the existence of such an ionized layer is still difficult to explain by conventional ionosphere generation mechanisms. An alternative source of electrons may be required.Citation: Imamura, T., et al. (2012), Radio occultation measurement of the electron density near the lunar surface using a subsatellite on the SELENE mission,