Wehave reported that many flavonoid glycosides in various citrus fruit peels are regarded as important constituents having a depressive effect.1~4) We are interested in physiologically active substances which might exist in oranges that are mass-produced in the United States of America. In the present paper, we report the separation, structural determination and hypotensive effects of flavonoid glycosides in orange peel. As regards the flavonoid glycosides in orange, Horowitzand narirutin,7) and Bernhard has reported 5,7-dihydroxy-2/-methoxyflavanone-7-rhahinoglucoside.8)Crude flavonoids were obtained from a hot water extract of orange peel by the procedure illustrated in Fig. 1. Four flavonoids were isolated by repeated chromatography on silica gel from gel-filtered fractions of the crude flavonoids, which was followed by gel filtration and recrystallization.Compound 1 was isolated as yellow needles (mp 208~210°C).The maximumabsorption of the UV spectrum of 1 was observed at 275 and 335nmin ethanol. The 2nd band (275nm) showed a bathochromic shift of 8nmin an ethanol solution with sodium acetate, and the 1st band (335 nm) indicated a bathochromic shift of 50 nm in an ethanol solution with aluminum chloride, suggesting the presence of a hydroxyl group at the C7 and C5positions, respectively.9) The^-NMRfor 1 revealed the presence of four aromatic protons of a Cr 4,-disubstituted benzene ring at <57.85 (H2 and H6,, /=8Hz) and at 6.91ppm (H3, and H5,, /=8Hz), respectively, in two doublets. The^-NMRalso showed a C3 proton at 3 6.65, a C6 proton at (56.45 and C5 hydroxyl proton at 3 13.48.