In this study, in terms of urban design, an exergy analysis of Mavişehir mass housing area in Izmir, Turkey is carried out based on spatial properties, shadow effects, wind effects and local climate to understand the importance of design strategies. The exergy analysis is applied with broad consideration covering the heat loads of the separate buildings for winter and summer. When the exergy results of Mavişehir I and Mavişehir II are compared it is found that Mavişehir II has less exergy by fuel and exergy load values. This may result from different design strategies in Mavişehir I where the same buildings and villas between residential buildings are located according to sea view, whereas in Mavişehir II, there is a heterogeneous pattern with various forms and heights of the residential buildings. It was also discovered that exergy efficiency of the area is 4.20% and the exergy flexibility factor is 19.3%.of Colorado Denver. Some of her areas of interest include design and politics of public spaces, urban design, conservation of historic urban sites, and sustainable development.This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled 'Exergy analysis of a residential area in terms of energy efficiency, case study: Mavişehir' presented at 6th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition, Izmir, Turkey, 28-30 June, 2012.
IntroductionIt is wise to give importance to the energy used in cities to sustain domestic needs since almost 30% of the total energy consumption in the world arises from residential areas (Balocco et al., 2004). Moreover, increasing sensitivity to global warming and pressure to reduce energy consumption because of rising energy prices increases this importance. In addition to these facts, when the power of city planning on land-use decisions and applications are taken into consideration, it is easy to relate the energy consumption and sustainability to city planning. Besides, spatial planning evaluates the values/assets of the city and the region regarding preservation and land use.New emerging habits of the populations in cities bring larger problems about energy and environment, such as air, water, and earth pollution. These problems cause some irreversible changes globally. For the solution to these problems, urban design and planning may play an important role. Design of urban areas may include ecological concerns, as well as clean renewable energy-oriented solutions.Design of energy-efficient residential units, energy-efficient residential blocks, energy-efficient districts, and energy-efficient cities are important steps that have been taken for the sake of energy conservation. Therefore, it is crucial that energyeffectiveness must be taken into account starting from design of a single house up to the regional scale and all sub scales, regarding physical factors such as morphology, density, and microclimate properties. By considering energy-efficient design criteria in building block design, the energy efficiency citywide will be improved (Hisarlıgil, 2009).The planning decision ...