The article proposes a solution to the problem of information and communication technologies applying in the training system of engineers. The methodological basis for the use of information and communication technologies is blended learning. Effective blended learning realization is caused by different factors which are identified by the authors on the university, teacher and student levels. The article proposes four functional models of blended learning: a supporting model, a replacement model, a mobile model, and a model of an electronic linguistic center. Results of the pedagogical experiment conducted in Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University proved our hypothesis that supporting model of blended learning is the most appropriate and effective for training technical English and students' professional competence development. The main differences in the design of the blended learning model from traditional learning can be considered the choice of a blended learning model relevant to the goals, objectives and learning conditions, information and communication technologies as learning tools used in this model, as well as the distribution of educational material, types of cognitive activities and forms of work between full-time and remote component. Highlighted regulations can be considered the key to the creation or modification of any course on the blended learning model basis in the training system of engineers.