We show that assuming fermion generations to be given by a gauge symmetry plus a certain Higgs mechanism for its breaking, the known empirical features of quark and lepton mixing can be largely explained, including in particular the fact that the mixing (CKM) matrix element U µ3 responsible for the muon anomaly in atmospheric neutrinos is near maximal and much larger than their quark counterparts V cb and V ts , while the corner elements for both quarks (V ub , V td ) and leptons (U e3 ) are all very small. The mechanism also gives automatically a hierarchical fermion mass spectrum which is intimately related to the mixing pattern.where, for reasons which will be apparent later, we have inserted for U e2 the value suggested by the LWO solution (iii). If CP-violations are ignored, the elements denoted by ⋆ are obtainable by unitarity from the others. In these mixing matrices, one notices some very outstanding features:(a) The off-diagonal elements in the quark CKM matrix are all small or very small;