The dissociative photoionization of CFCl was investigated in the photon energy range of 12.30-18.50 eV. The low-lying electronic states of CFCl cations were prepared by the method of threshold photoelectron-photoion coincidence (TPEPICO). The threshold photoelectron spectrum and the coincident time-of-flight mass spectra at the specific photon energies were recorded. Only a CF fragment was observed at lower energy, while a CFCl fragment appeared for CE and DE states. As Cl-loss from the ground ionic state is statistical, the total kinetic energy release distribution (KERD) is represented as a Boltzmann profile, and a 0 K appearance energy of AP =12.79 ± 0.02 eV is derived from the statistical modelling of the breakdown diagram from 12.60 to 12.85 eV without taking into account the kinetic shift. For the AA and BA states of CFCl cations, the total KERDs are bimodal, where a parallel faster dissociation appears together with the statistical distribution. At higher energies like the CE and DE ionic states, a bimodal distribution similar to that of the AA and BA states is also observed for the KERD. With the aid of the calculated Cl-loss potential energy curves, the dissociative mechanisms of internal energy-selected CFCl cations are proposed.