FIG. 1A, Schematic drawing of ontogenetic type I. Ascogonia are formed on the level of the thallus horizontalis and the ascogenous hyphae grow upwards with the podetium (Aascogonium; Ap-apothecium; gT-generative tissue; Po-podetium; T-trichogyne). B, Schematic drawing of ontogenetic type II. Ascogonia are formed at the top of the mature podetium (Al-algae; Ap-apothecium; gT-generative tissue; Po-podetium; Poyyoung podetium, T-trichogyne). C, Schematic drawing of the ontogenetic type III. No podetium is formed (A-ascogonium; Ap-apothecium; gT-generative tissue; Ttrichogyne). D, Schematic drawing of ontogenetic type IV. Ascogonia are formed in a young podetium, before its vertical growth is finished (A-ascogonium; Al-algae; Ap-apothecium; gT-generative tissue; Poy-young podetium; T-trichogyne).