The science and technology of medicine is evolving and changing at a fast pace.With these rapid advances, it is paramount that physicians maintain a level of medical knowledge that is current and relevant to their practice in order to address the challenges of patient care and safety. One way physicians can maintain a level of medical knowledge that is current and relevant to their practice is through self-directed, lifelong learning, however little is known about how to develop these traits during clinical training. Schön (1983Schön ( , 1987 theorized that one way learners can become self-directed, lifelong learners is through reflective practice.This study utilized an experimental design and employed quantitative methods to investigate the effects of a reflective practice exercise, based on Gibbs' (1988) model of reflection, on readiness for self-directed learning as measured by Guglielmino's (1977) Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale/Learning Preference Assessment (SDLRS/LPA).A total of 51 anesthesiology residents training in three residency programs in the United States participated in this study. A follow-up survey was administered to all study participants to determine if participation in the reflective exercises affected future engagement in or attitudes about reflective practice.While the data analysis showed that participation in reflective practice did not affect readiness for self-directed learning in these study participants, this study has implications for medical education. Responses to the follow-up survey indicated that participants plan to engage in reflective practice in the future and that participating in Thank you for inspiring me, encouraging me and helping me to be the person I am today.