Uniform constant composition (UCC) codes are introduced, which are p-ary constant composition codes with block length mp where each p-ary symbol appears exactly m times in each codeword, being m a positive integer and p a prime. UCC codes are derived from a new class of p-ary repeated-root cyclic codes and two constructions are presented. Both constructions are at least asymptotically optimal with increasing p when compared with known best bounds for constant composition codes. Introduction: A constant composition code [1] is a block code defined over an alphabet with q symbols, denoted as 1, 2,. .. , q, the codebook of which consists of codewords where the symbol i occurs w i times, 1 ≤ i ≤ q, and is usually a non-linear code. We define a uniform constant composition (UCC) code as a constant composition code of block length mq, where m is a positive integer, for which w i = m, 1 ≤ i ≤ q. In this Letter, we consider only p-ary UCC codes of block length mp, where p is a prime, m is a positive integer, m ò 0 mod p, i.e. m is not a multiple of p, since the codes resulting when m ; 0 mod p represent a straightforward generalisation. Constant composition codes have recently been considered for important applications requiring non-binary alphabets [2] as, for example, power-line communications [3], construction of DNA codes [4], multiple-access communications and frequency hopping [5]. In order to construct UCC codes, we first introduce a class of p-ary (n, k, d) repeated-root cyclic codes with block length n = mp, k information symbols and minimum distance d. Two code constructions are presented, each one characterised by the corresponding p-ary generator polynomial g(x), which is a factor of x n − 1, with the remark that n = mp is the smallest value of n for which g(x) divides x n − 1. Construction 1 produces (mp, 2, m(p − 1)) codes which have a subset of M 1 = p(p − 1) UCC codewords, while Construction 2 produces (mp, m + 1, d) codes, with d = p − 1 for m = 1 and d = p for m ≥ 2, which have a subset of M 2 = p m (p − 1) UCC codewords.