Quantum key distribution(QKD) is an important area in quantum information theory. There are two kinds of QKD protocols, one is so-called prepare-measure protocols and the other is entanglement-based protocols. For long-distance communications in a noisy environment, entangled-based protocols might be more reliable since they could be supplied by distilled procedures which protect them from noises. In this paper, entanglement-based QKD over certain noisy channels are discussed. We give schemes against collective noises, including collective dephasing(CD) and collective rotation(CR), Pauli noises, amplitude damping(AD) noises, phase damping(PD) noises and mixtures of them. Our discussions are in a direction about how to implement a QKD protocol over noisy channels as in a noiseless channels with no errors, in theoretical. Also, we analyse the efficiency of our schemes, demonstrating that they could be more efficient than the standard entanglement-based QKD scheme.