For every finite n > 1, the embedding property fails in the class of all n-dimensional cylindric type algebras which satisfy the following. Their boolean reducts are boolean algebras and two of the cylindrifications are normal, additive and commute. This result also holds for all subclasses containing the representable n-dimensional cylindric algebras. This considerably strengthens a result of S. Comer on CA n and provides a strong counterexample for interpolation in finite variable fragments of first order logic. We provide a new modern proof, using an argument inspired by modal logic.S. Comer showed that for finite n larger than 1, the embedding property fails in any class of cylindric type algebras of dimension n lying between RCA n and CA n [3]. On the other hand, the proof method employed by I. Németi in [9] can be used to show that for any α, the class NCA α (defined by all CA α -axioms except commutativity of the cylindrifications) and its subclass D α of cylindric-relativised set algebras have the strong amalgamation property. In this last class, commutativity only holds in the restricted sense of c i (c j . So some combination of the NCA axioms together with some commutativity of the cylindrifications can be seen as the cause of the failure of the embedding property. It is a natural question then to ask how much commutativity and how much of the other axioms is really needed to obtain Comer's result. It turns out that for every finite n, we only need to ask that the first two cylindrifications are normal, additive and commute in only one direction. So we find a unique reason for the failure of the embedding property for every n. This considerably strengthens Comer's result. The difference lies not only in the required properties of the cylindrifications (e.g., in CA n , they are complemented closure operators, in our case they are just operations), but in particular that for any finite n, the failure of the embedding property is caused by the behaviour of the same two cylindrifications. We provide a new modern proof, using an argument inspired by modal logic. These algebraic results have -by the correspondence theorems developed in [10]-a direct logical meaning: they provide a strong counterexample for interpolation in first order logic with only finitely many variables.We recall the definitions of the above mentioned classes of cylindric type algebras and their operations from [6]. An algebra A= (A, ∧, ∨, −, 0, 1, c κ , d κλ ) κ,λ<α is a cylindric