“…Gnepp 17 Case series True vocal folds Gridelli 42 Case report True vocal folds Trunk, upper and lower extremities Karatayli-Ozgursoy 25 Case series Subglottis Kato 43 Case report Epiglottis Face, trunk, extremities, oral cavity Kucuk 44 Case report Epiglottis Lawson 45 Case report Ventricular folds, right false vocal fold Levy 60 Case report Right true vocal fold Widespread cutaneous, rectal mucosa, soft palate, right true vocal fold Liao 46 Case report Epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds Mantilla 26 Case series Subglottis Large mass involving the epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds Marino 11 Case series Right true vocal fold Trachea, lower extremities Thickening hyperdensity of the laryngeal vestibule and the right vocal fold Meyers 62 Case report True vocal folds Hands, postauricular regions, left tonsillar fossa, left lateral pharyngeal wall and pyriform sinus to the level of the arytenoids Miner 47 Case report Epiglottis, left pyriform sinus Soft palate, left faucial tonsil Large pharyngeal mucosal space involving the left faucial tonsil, entire (continued) 28 Case series Epiglottis, arytenoids Hypopharynx, palate, tonsils, thighs, axilla, lower extremities, inguinal and axillary nodes Ribeiro 50 Case report Arytenoids and glottis Trachea Roy 51 Case report Below the epiglottis, true vocal folds Lungs, face, neck, upper trunk, tongue, posterior pharynx, multiple lymph nodes Schiff 18 Case series Epiglottis Left hand Server 52 Case report Epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds Sumarroca 53 Case report Neck, scalp, abdomen, legs, scrotum, tongue, palate Taheri 54 Case report True and false vocal folds 20 3 18-mm polypoid mass seen on left side of glottic space with invasion to the anterior commissure; involvement of the true and false vocal cords Tahir 55 Case report Transglottis Tami 56 Case report Epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds ''Diffuse lesions''…”