In the first section of this paper we show that i Π1 ≡ W¬¬l Π1 and that a Kripke model which decides bounded formulas forces i Π1 if and only if the union of the worlds in any (complete) path in it satisfies I Π1. In particular, the union of the worlds in any path of a Kripke model of HA models I Π1. In the second section of the paper, we show that for equivalence of forcing and satisfaction of Πm-formulas in a linear Kripke model deciding ∆0formulas it is necessary and sufficient that the model be Σm-elementary. This implies that if a linear Kripke model forces PEMprenex, then it forces PEM. We also show that, for each n ≥ 1, i Φn does not prove H(I Πn). Here, the Φn's are Burr's fragments of HA.Mathematics Subject Classification: 03F55, 03F30, 03H15.