The disease Nilika is a type of kshudra kustha (group of skin disorders), mentioned in Ayurveda. It may manifests with various sign and symptoms like Krishna (Blackish discoloration), Nirujatanu (painless thin lesion) that may generally manifests in Gatra mukha i.e. whole body and face. In Ayurveda there is no such standard parameter to diagnose this diseases easily. The present endeavor has been made to develop an arbitrary grading system based on classical diagnostic outline mentioned in classical texts of Ayurveda. The effort has also given to understand the savagery of this disease with the help of its elementary sign and symptoms. All the classical metaphors available on Nilika mentioned in classical texts were analyzed and envision features were documented in the structure of photography to diagnose the disease precisely. Further validation of this groundwork of grading system should be confirmed in large scale clinical study.