In this paper we present definitions of different four-dimensional (4D) geometric quantities (Clifford multivectors). New decompositions of the torque N and the angular momentum M (bivectors) into 1-vectors N s , N t and M s , M t respectively are given. The torques N s , N t (the angular momentums M s , M t ), taken together, contain the same physical information as the bivector N (the bivector M ). The usual approaches that deal with the 3D quantities E, B, F, L, N, etc. and their transformations are objected from the viewpoint of the invariant special relativity (ISR). In the ISR it is considered that 4D geometric quantities are well-defined both theoretically and experimentally in the 4D spacetime. This is not the case with the usual 3D quantities. It is shown that there is no apparent electrodynamic paradox with the torque, and that the principle of relativity is naturally satisfied, when the 4D geometric quantities are used instead of the 3D quantities.