We apply the classical field method to simulate the production of correlated atoms during the collision of two Bose-Einstein condensates. Our non-perturbative method includes the effect of quantum noise, and provides for the first time a theoretical description of collisions of high density condensates with very large out-scattered fractions. Quantum correlation functions for the scattered atoms are calculated from a single simulation, and show that the correlation between pairs of atoms of opposite momentum is rather small. We also predict the existence of quantum turbulence in the field of the scattered atoms-a property which should be straightforwardly measurable.PACS numbers: 03.75. Kk, 05.10.Gg, In the same way as a classical electromagnetic field obeying Maxwell's equations arises as an assembly of photons all in the same quantum state, a Bose-Einstein condensate, composed of Bosonic atoms all in the same quantum state, behaves very much like a classical field Ψ(x, t), whose equation of motion is the Gross-Pitaevskii equation(1) Nevertheless, there are phenomena in which the quantized nature of this field is important-for example, when two BoseEinstein condensates collide at a sufficiently high velocity, a halo of elastically scattered atoms is produced [1,2,3]. The Gross-Pitaevskii equation with initial conditions corresponding to two Bose-Einstein condensates does not predict this scattering-it is a direct effect of the fact that the quantized field consists of interacting particles.Theoretical descriptions of this phenomenon fall into two groups. In the first, the Gross-Pitaevskii equations for the two condensate wavepackets are modified (either phenomenologically [4], or on the basis of a method of approximating quantum field theory [5]) to give an elastic scattering loss term. While these methods yield equations of motion which allow for depletion of the condensate wavefunctions, they do not include a description of the scattered atoms, and hence cannot describe the effects of bosonically stimulated loss. In the second class of treatments [6,7] the quantum field theory is linearized about the condensate, yielding equations of motion linear in the fluctuation operators. This method shows that the process is essentially one of four-wave mixing between the two condensate fields and pairs of quantized fluctuationshowever, as a linearized theory, it can deal only with perturbatively small amounts of scattering and cannot simultaneously account for depletion of the condensate. Both of these formalisms are valid only in the limit of weak scattering, but fail for large scattered fractions, such as we treat in this paper.In this work we will show that a treatment in terms of a classical field with added quantum fluctuations is not only able to produce the scattering halo, but also predicts a hitherto unobserved phenomenon, which we shall call quantum turbulence, in the resulting halo, which should be straightforwardly observable. This method is able to describe: a) the evolution (including large depletion) of ...