We find and solve a large class of integrable dynamical systems which includes Calogero-Sutherland models and various novel generalizations thereof. In general they describe N interacting particles moving on a circle and coupled to an arbitrary number, m, of su(N ) spin degrees of freedom with interactions which depend on arbitrary real parameters x j , j = 1, 2, . . . , m. We derive these models from SU(N ) Yang-Mills gauge theory coupled to non-dynamic matter and on spacetime which is a cylinder. This relation to gauge theories is used to prove integrability, to construct conservation laws, and solve these models.Integrable models have always played a central role in classical and quantum mechanics. Most prominent examples, like the Kepler problem, are systems with few (≤ 3) degrees of freedom. An important exception is a class of integrable N-particle models associated with the names Calogero, Moser and Sutherland [1, 2] (for review see [3]). These are models for identical particles moving on one dimensional space and interacting via certain repulsive twobody potentials v(r). A well-known example is v(r) ∝ g 2 / sin 2 (gr) (which includes v(r) ∝ 1/r 2 in the limit g → 0), and we refer to the corresponding model as CS model. It is known that these models allow for interesting generalizations which also have dynamic spin degrees of freedom [4,5]. The CS model and its generalizations have recently received quite some attention in different contexts. Here we only mention their relation to gauged matrix models [6] and gauge theories on a cylinder [7] which will be relevant for us. a a the latter relation is implicit already in earlier work; see e.g. [8]