In ancient history, the most prominent writer on plant drugs was
Dioscorides, “the father of pharmacognosy”. Between about 50-70 A.D. he
wrote his fundamental work “De Materia Medica.” It was destined to be one
of the most famous books on pharmacology and medicine but is also rich in
horticulture and plant ecology. This classical work of ancient medicine,
translated many times, offers plenty of data on the medical plants
constituting the basic materia medica until the late Middle Ages and the
Renaissance. The famous illustrated Greek recensions reorganized the
information alphabetically: the Juliana Anicia Codex completed in 512 and
the Codex Neapolitanus considered to be late 6th or early 7th century, and
Morgan 652 produced between 927 and 985. „De Materia Medica” played a key
role in the development of Tacuinum Sanitatis, which was written Ibn Buṭlān
in the 11. century. These two books have had a great impact on Ms. 459
(Biblioteca Casanatense).