The purpose of this research, which was conducted under project Zil67-PN.02 (Computer-assisted Testing, Counseling, and Assignment of Recruits) was to develop and test an attrition utility component for the computerized personnel assignment system known as CLASP (Classification and Assignment Within PRIDE). Appreciation is expressed to RADM Freeman, USN (Ret.), (CNRC-013), LCDR Biegler (NMPC-^81), and LCDR Sheehan (NMPC-^82) for many helpful discussions concerning policy issues. An essential contribution to the success of this project was provided by LCDR P. Griffin (OPNAV-13) and Professors G. Thomas, K. Euske, and R. Elster of the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, who conducted research that resulted in the derivation of the attrition severity index (ASI). The results are intended for use by Naval Military Personnel Command and Navy Recruiting Command CLASP program managers, as well as other Department of Defense agencies concerned with personnel allocation problems,