Learning is a fundamental capability of neural networks. Learning rules are algorithms for finding suitable weights W and/or other network parameters. Learning of a neural network can be viewed as a nonlinear optimization problem for finding a set of network parameters that minimize the cost function for given examples. This kind of parameter estimation is also called a learning or training algorithm.Neural networks are usually trained by epoch. An epoch is a complete run when all the training examples are presented to the network and are processed using the learning algorithm only once. After learning, a neural network represents a complex relationship, and possesses the ability for generalization. To control a learning process, a criterion is defined to decide the time for terminating the process. The complexity of an algorithm is usually denoted as O(m), indicating that the order of number of floating-point operations is m.Learning methods are conventionally divided into supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning; these schemes are illustrated in Fig. 2.1. x p and y p are the input and output of the pth pattern in the training set,ŷ p is the neural network output for the pth input, and E is an error function. From a statistical viewpoint, unsupervised learning learns the pdf of the training set, p(x), while supervised learning learns about the pdf of p( y|x). Supervised learning is widely used in classification, approximation, control, modeling and identification, signal processing, and optimization. Unsupervised learning schemes are mainly used for clustering, vector quantization, feature extraction, signal coding, and data analysis. Reinforcement learning is usually used in control and artificial intelligence.In logic and statistical inference, transduction is reasoning from observed, specific (training) cases to specific (test) cases. In contrast, induction is reasoning from observed training cases to general rules, which are then applied to the test cases. Machine learning falls into two broad classes: inductive learning or transductive learning. Inductive learning pursues the standard goal in machine learning, which is to accurately classify the entire input space. In contrast, transductive learning focuses