OBJECTIVE -The aims of this study were to provide estimates of 1) the risk of mortality for individuals with both diabetes and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) relative to that for individuals with either condition alone and 2) the association between PAD progression and mortality for individuals with diabetes, PAD, and both conditions. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS -This longitudinal cohort study was conducted in Rochester, Minnesota. Local residents age 50 -70 years with a prior diagnosis of PAD and/or diabetes were identified from the Mayo Clinic diagnostic registry and invited to a baseline examination (1977)(1978). Those who met inclusion criteria were assessed for PAD progression at 2 and 4 years and followed for vital status through 31 December 1999.RESULTS -The numbers who met criteria for PAD, diabetes, and both conditions at baseline were 149, 238, and 186, respectively. Within each group, observed survival was less than expected (P Ͻ 0.001). The adjusted risk of death for both conditions was 2.2 times that for PAD alone. Among the 449 who returned at 4 years, the risk of subsequent death was greater for those whose PAD had progressed; among individuals with diabetes alone at baseline, 100% (17 of 17) who met criteria for PAD progression were dead by 31 December 1999 compared with 62% (111 of 178) of those who had not met criteria (adjusted relative hazard 2.29 [95% CI 1.30 -4.02], P ϭ 0.004). The increased mortality associated with PAD progression was significant only for individuals with diabetes (alone or with PAD).CONCLUSIONS -Diabetes is a risk factor for both PAD and PAD-associated mortality, emphasizing the critical need to detect and monitor PAD in diabetic patients.
Diabetes Care 27:2843-2849, 2004U p to 20% of elderly individuals have peripheral arterial disease (PAD) upon noninvasive testing (1-4). Because only a small percentage of these individuals are symptomatic, PAD is poorly recognized in primary care practice (1,3,5,6). This is disconcerting bec a u s e b o t h a s y m p t o m a t i c a n d symptomatic PAD contribute to increased mortality, and both have been associated with increased cardiovascular events, gangrene, revascularization, and amputation, leading to considerable disability and use of health care resources (6 -10). As a consequence, numerous studies have attempted to assist physicians in identifying individuals at greatest risk of developing PAD. Such studies consistently identify diabetes as a key risk factor (1,2,4,11-15). The extent to which diabetes contributes to progression to disability and/or premature mortality in individuals with PAD, however, is less clear. A study from our institution prospectively determined the presence of diabetes and PAD in a cohort of individuals at baseline (i.e., 1977-1978) and again 4 years later (16 -21). The study confirmed that individuals with diabetes were at significantly increased risk of developing PAD (21). However, among individuals who met criteria for PAD at baseline, the likelihood of progression at 4 years, measured as rat...