A phosphoprotein phosphatase active towards casein, phosphorylase a and mRNP proteins has been detected in the cytosol of cryptobiotic gastrulae of Artemia sp. This phosphatase has a relative molecular mass ( M , ) of 225000 as measured by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 and has been purified to near homogeneity by ionexchange chromatography on different DEAE-substituted matrices, affinity chromatography on polylysineagarose, histone-Sepharose 4B and protamine-agarose, hydrophobic chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose 4B and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. Sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis of the final purification step revealed that the enzyme contains two types of subunits, CI and jl, with M , of 40000 and 75000, respectively. These values, in conjunction with the native M , and the molar ratios of the subunits estimated by densitometric analysis of the gel, suggested that the subunit composition of the enzyme is a2fi2. When treated with 1.7% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol at -20°C or with ethanol, the enzyme released the catalytic a subunit of M , 40000. = 1.6 pM) and polylysine (Ao.s = 0.2 pM) and inhibited by ATP (10,5 = 12 pM), NaF = 3.1 mM) and pyrophosphate (fo.5 = 0.6 mM). The enzyme is a polycation-stimulated protein phosphatase. Purified mRNP proteins, phosphorylated by the mRNP-associated casein kinase type 11, are among the substrates used by the enzyme. The function of reversible phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of mRNP as a regulatory mechanism in mRNP metabolism is discussed.The protein phosphatase was activated by basic proteins e.g. protamine (Ao.5 = 1 pM), histone H I Protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation has emerged as a regulatory mechanism modifying the action of enzymes and structural proteins [I]. Rate-limiting enzymes in biodegradative pathways are usually activated by phosphorylation, whereas those in biosynthetic pathways are generally inactivated [2, 31. There is increasing evidence to support the hypothesis that different metabolic events are regulated by relatively few protein kinases and phosphatases [l, phorylate the a subunit of phosphorylase kinase and are insensitive to inhibitors-1 and -2 (protein phosphatases-2A, 2B and 2C) [17,18]. Based on enzyme-directed regulation, protein phosphatases may also be classified into four main classes: ATP/Mg-dependent protein phosphatases, calcineurin, Mg2+-dependent protein phosphatases and polycationstimulated protein phosphatases [19].Messenger RNA is associated with specific proteins to form messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNP) [20]. It is generally accepted that the mRNA-associated proteins have a function in mRNA metabolism, e. g. replication, stability, storage, transport and translation [21-251. Phosphorylation of mRNP-associated proteins has been observed frequently and is proposed to regulate mRNA metabolism [26 -291. Furthermore, Egly and coworkers [27,30] have suggested that dephosphorylation of mRNP proteins also has a function in translation.Cryptobiotic gastrulae, a dormant phase of the embryos of the brine shrimp ...