We have constructed a modified BFT method that preserves the chain structure of constraints. This method has two advantages: first, it leads to less number of primary constraints such that the remaining constraints emerge automatically; and second, it gives less number of independent gauge parameters. We have applied the method for bosonized chiral Schwinger model. We have constructed a gauge invariant embedded Lagrangian for this model. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Dirac as a pioneer, quantized classical gauge theories by converting Poisson brackets to quantum commutators [1]. However, for second class constraint systems it is necessary to replace Poisson brackets by Dirac brackets and then convert them to quantum commutators. Sometimes this process implies problems such as factor ordering which makes this approach improper. The BFT method, however, solves this ambiguity by embedding the phase space in a larger space including some auxiliary fields [2,3]. In this way one can convert second class constraints to first class ones and then apply the well-known quantization method of gauge theories [4,5]. In our previous paper [6] we showed that if one chooses arbitrary parameters of the BFT method suitably then the power series of auxiliary fields for the embedded constraints and Hamiltonian could be truncated in some cases. E-mail addresses: shirzad@ipm.ir (A. Shirzad), monemzadeh@sepahan.iut.ac.ir (M. Monemzadeh).In this Letter we want to preserve the chain structure of a second class system (except for the last element of the chain) during the BFT embedding. The main idea of the chain structure, as fully discussed in [7], is that it is possible to derive the constraints as commuting distinct chains such that within each chain the following iterative relation holds0 stand for primary constraints. The advantages of this method will be discussed afterward.Consider a second class constraint system described by the Hamiltonian H 0 and a set of second class constraints Φ α ; α = 1, . . ., N satisfying the algebrawhere ∆ is an antisymmetric and invertible matrix. For simplicity and without loss of generality we suppose that the second class constraints Φ α are elements of one chain. The results can be extended to multi-chain 0370-2693/$ -see front matter