Abstract. We define uniformly the notions of Dirac operators and Dirac cohomology in the framework of the Hecke algebras introduced by Drinfeld [Dr]. We generalize in this way, the Dirac cohomology theory for Lusztig's graded affine Hecke algebras defined in [BCT] and further developed in [BCT,COT,Ci1,CH,Cha2]. We apply these constructions to the case of the symplectic reflection algebras defined by Etingof-Ginzburg [EG], particularly to rational Cherednik algebras for real or complex reflection groups. As applications, we give criteria for unitarity of modules in category O and we show that the 0-fiber of the Calogero-Moser space admits a description in terms of a certain "Dirac morphism" originally defined by Vogan for representations of real reductive groups.
Contents1. Introduction 1 2. The Dirac operator for Drinfeld's Hecke algebras 3 3. Vogan's Dirac morphism 9 4. Symplectic reflection algebras 14 5. Applications: unitarity, the Calogero-Moser space 21 References 271. Introduction 1.1. The Dirac operator has played an important role in the representation theory of real reductive groups, see for example [AS], [Ko], [Pa], and the monograph [HP2]. The notion of Dirac cohomology for admissible (g, K)-modules of real reductive groups was introduced by Vogan [Vo] around 1997. The Dirac cohomology of a (g, K)-module is a certain finite dimensional representation of (a pin cover of) the maximal compact subgroup K. One of the main ideas, "Vogan's conjecture", proved by Huang and Padžić [HP1] says that, if nonzero, the Dirac cohomology of an irreducible module X uniquely determines the infinitesimal character of X.It is a pleasure to thank B. Krötz and E. Opdam for the invitation to give a series of lectures on the theory of the Dirac operator for Hecke algebras at the Spring School "Representation theory and geometry of reductive groups", Heiligkreuztal 2014, where some of these ideas crystallized. I also thank J.S. Huang, K.D. Wong, and the referee for corrections, helpful comments, and references. 1.2. Motivated by the analogy between the theory of graded affine Hecke algebras H of reductive p-adic groups, as defined by Lusztig [Lu1], and certain elements of the representation theory of real reductive groups, in joint work with Barbasch and Trapa [BCT], we defined a Dirac operator and the notion of Dirac cohomology for H-modules. This theory was subsequently developed in several papers, including [COT,CT1,CH,Cha2] and it led to interesting results, such as a geometric realization in the kernel of global Dirac operators of the irreducible discrete series H-modules [COT], a partial analogue of the realization of discrete series representations for real semisimple groups by Atiyah-Schmid [AS] and Parthasarathy [Pa]. An important element that occurs in these constructions for H is a certain pin cover W of finite Coxeter groups W whose representations turned out to have surprising relations with the geometry of the nilpotent cone, see [Ci1,CH,CT1], also [Cha1] for noncrystallographic Coxeter groups. In particular, ...