Consumer acceptance of chemical plant protection is declining because to rising public concern over food security and stiffer international regulations for the use of herbicides in the agri-food chain. Applying a treatment just to the weed in Maize patches will provide site-specific weed management. Identification of Maize plants and weeds is a requirement for several parts of precision farming, including on-the-spot herbicide spraying, robotic weeding, and precision mechanical weed management. Although many various approaches have been put out in recent years, this issue still requires more development in terms of the resilience, speed, and accuracy of the algorithms and the identification systems. In the recent years. In the current study, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were trained using images captured by an RGB camera of Zea mays, Helianthus annuus, Solanum tuberosum, Alopecurus myosuroides, Amaranthus retroflexus, Avena fatua, Chenopodium album, Lamium purpureum, Matricaria chamomila, Setaria spp., Solanum nigrum, and Stellaria media. On a pool of 3000 photos, three different, ResNet-50, and Xception-were modified and trained. The training images were made up of single-species photos of plant stuff. On the testing of the plant detection and weed species classification algorithms, a Top-1 accuracy between 77% and 98% was obtained.The project is succinctly summarized in the abstract, which also gives a quick rundown of its main components. It captures the key elements of the project, such as the problem statement, the objectives, the approach, and the anticipated results. In the example of the project Weed Identification in Maize, the abstract would emphasize the objective of creating a smart system for precision weed control in maize crops. It would discuss the use of image processing and machine learning methods for precisely identifying and managing weeds. The goals of enhancing herbicide use, minimizing the use of herbicides, and improving maize production and quality would also be mentioned in the abstract. The importance of the initiative in improving sustainable agricultural methods will be emphasized as it came to a close.