E-businesses (EBEs) may commit legal offenses due to perpetrating cybercrime while doing the commercial activity. According to the findings, various obstacles might deter cybercrime throughout accounting. The study examined the present laws for accounting policy elements and determined those aspects that should be included in the administrative document for e-business enterprise accounting policies. E-businesses must avoid cyber-crime (CC), which has a detrimental influence on the company's brand and diminishes client loyalty to ensure their success. According to the study's findings, the use of information and control functions of accounting can help prevent cyber-crime in the bookkeeping system by increasing the content of individual internal rules. The authors intended to make online payments for EBE-CC as safe, easy, and fast as possible. However, the internet is known for making its users feel anonymous. E-commerce (EC) transactions are vulnerable to cybercrime, resulting in considerable money and personal information losses.