A b s t r ac t . The classification of toric Fano manifolds with large Picard number corresponds to the classification of smooth Fano polytopes with large number of vertices. A smooth Fano polytope is a polytope that contains the origin in its interior such that the vertex set of each facet forms a lattice basis. Casagrande showed that any smooth d-dimensional Fano polytope has at most 3d vertices. Smooth Fano polytopes in dimension d with at least 3d − 2 vertices are completely known. The main result of this paper deals with the case of 3d − k vertices for k fixed and d large. It implies that there is only a finite number of isomorphism classes of toric Fano d-folds X (for arbitrary d) with Picard number 2d − k such that X is not a product of a lower-dimensional toric Fano manifold and the projective plane blown up in three torus-invariant points. This verifies the qualitative part of a conjecture in a recent paper by the first author, Joswig, and Paffenholz.1. I n t ro d u c t i o n a n d m a i n r e s u lt s Let us first recall the basic definitions. We refer to [19,12] for more background. Let N ∼ = Z d be a lattice with associated real vector space N R := N ⊗ Z R isomorphic to R d . A polytope P is a convex, compact set in N R , its 0-dimensional faces are called vertices, and its faces of codimension 1 are called facets. If every facet F (of dimension d − 1) of a d-dimensional polytope P has exactly d vertices (i.e., F is a simplex), then P is called simplicial. The polytope P is called a lattice polytope if its vertices are lattice points (i.e., elements of N ).P is a lattice polytope, and P is full-dimensional and contains the origin 0 as an interior point, and for each facet F of P , the vertex set Vert F is a lattice basis of N . (ii) Two smooth Fano polytopes are lattice equivalent, if their vertex sets are in bijection by an affine-linear lattice automorphism.Remark 2. We decided to keep the notion of a smooth Fano polytope in order to be consistent with existing literature. However, we remark that there exists also the definition of a smooth polytope as a lattice polytope with unimodular vertex cones. A smooth Fano polytope is not a smooth polytope (but its dual polytope is).Note that any smooth Fano polytope P is necessarily simplicial. In each dimension there exist only finitely many smooth Fano polytopes up to lattice equivalence (we refer to the survey [19]). In 2007, Øbro described an explicit classification algorithm